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The History of the World's First Car Technology

the lovers of the automotive world, must have been very familiar with the various types of sports cars that exorbitant price. but wait there's good we know how the history of the first cars in the world. In the age of advanced and modern cars of various types has been created by humans. Of the gasoline, which fueled electricity to even heat from sunlight. Want to know ga, who's actually the first time had the idea to create a car? Well, let us refer to the explanation below

The first car was invented by Nicolas-Joseph Cugnot who came from France in the year 1769 Cugnot inspired when he saw the shape of a horse carriage fitted with tires. Cugnot then try to make a moving vehicle with a steam engine. In 1801, Cugnot discovery was passed by the British citizen named Richard Trevithick.

Vehicle steam engine had been developed more rapidly when developed by the Lunar Society, in Brimingham, England. Carl Benz of Mannheim is the first automaker to use gasoline in 1886 then at the same time Gottlieb Daimler and Wilhelm Maybach from Sttugart also makes cars with gasoline fuel. However, Benz first solve the discovery and patenting the invention in 1879.

On 5 November 1895, the United States granted the patent to George B. Selden for a two-stroke automobile engine. This spectacular breakthrough was also made ​​by Berta Benz in 1888 For several decades, the steam engine, electricity, and gasoline competing. In 1902 Oldsmobil producing affordable cars on a large scale, and then developed a large scale by Henry Ford in the 1910s.

The development of automotive technology was rapid in the period 1900 to the mid-1920s to. This is caused by many small automakers competing to grab the attention of the world. In the 1930s drastically reduced the number of car manufacturers. It was only in the 1960s when the price of electronic goods cheap enough to be mass produced, cars and a wide range of innovations developed back

well, now we know the history that made ​​the first car in the world

Indonesian greetings

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