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The implementation of Vehicle Aerodynamics

Definition of Aerodynamics.

Aerodynamics is taken from the Aero and dynamics that can be interpreted and changes in motion and air can also be drawn a sense that a change in motion of an object as a result of air resistance when the fast moving objects. Objects mentioned above can be either motor vehicles (cars, trucks, buses and motorcycles) are strongly associated with the development of aerodynamics do this now. As for the things that are related to the speed of the vehicle aerodynamics and air resistance when the vehicle was melaju.Aerodinamika derived from two words that mean the aero part of the air or keudaraan science and dynamics, which means a branch of natural science which investigates moving objects and styles that cause these movements. Aero comes from the Greek word meaning air, and the dynamics within the meaning strength or power. So Aerodynamics can be defined as the science of the effects caused air or other gases that bergerak.Dalam Aerodynamics known several forces acting on an object, and more specifically in the car as suggested by Djoeli Satrijo (1999; 53).

"Prisoners Aerodynamics, aerodynamic lift force and aerodynamic moment bobbing has a significant influence on the performance of the vehicle at moderate speeds and higher. Increased emphasis on fuel economy and the energy savings has spurred new links in improving the performance of aero dynamics on the highway ".Aerodinamika only applies to vehicles that reach speeds above 80 km / h only, as applied to the sedan, the formula 1, moto gp. For the vehicles were traveling at speeds below 80 km / h aerodynamic less attention, such as the family cars, cars land rover and the like. On vehicles that have speeds above 80 km / h is used to optimize the aerodynamic factors besides speed performance also affect engine performance.

The forces acting on a moving car (speed of 80km / h)

1. Style lifts up above the lift force on the car as a result of the influence of:
     a. Speed.
     b. Fin shape.
     c. Stream line.
     d. Aerodynamic design.

2. Down Force is force press down on the car due to the effect of:
     a. construction chassis
     b. Construction design car
     c. Placing the burden on mobil4. The addition of accessories on the car
     d. The form of the palm (tread)
     f. Placement of gravity
     g. Heavy weights and the weight of passengers
     h. Placement of spoiler (front spoiler and rear spoiler).

3. Turbulent style is a style that occurs on the back of the car in the form of wind blowing from the front to          form a vortex of wind on the back of the car.

4. skin friction caused by shear forces arising on the outer surface of the vehicle - surface airflow.

Application of Aerodynamics in Everyday Life

1 Aircraft Aerodynamics

In principle, when the aircraft was airborne, there are 4 main force acting on the aircraft, the thrust (thrust T), drag (drag D), lift (L), and the weight of the aircraft (weight W). When the aircraft was browsing (cruise) at a constant speed and altitude, 4th force are in equilibrium: T = D and L = W. While at the time the plane take offdan landing, acceleration and deceleration that occurs can be explained using Newton's Second Law (total force is equal to mass multiplied by acceleration) .At during take off, the plane accelerated in the horizontal and vertical directions. At this time, L must be greater than W, so T is greater than D. Thus a large engine power required during take off. Failed to take off due to lack of engine power (due to many things: mechanical damage, human error, external disturbances, etc.), or disturbances in the system pesawat.Dibalik A flight of aircraft Most of today's commercial aircraft use turbofan engines.

Turbofan is derived from two words, namely turbine and fan. Components of the fan is the difference between this with turbojet engines. In a turbojet engine, the outside air is compressed by the compressor to reach high pressure. Furthermore, the high-pressure air into the combustion chamber to be mixed with fuel (jet fuel) air .Pembakaran fuel will increase the temperature and pressure of the working fluid. High pressure fluid is then passed through the turbine and out the nozzle with a very high speed. The difference in the speed of air in and fluid out of the engine thrust mencitpakan T.

(Newton's Third Law: Action and Reaction). Thrust T is used to move in the horizontal direction and partially converted by wing aircraft to lift force L.

Fan on turbofan engine serves to provide additional air flow that enters the engine through the bypass water. The fresh air will meet the fuel-air mixture that has been burned at the outer end of the machine. One of the advantages of using a turbofan is he capable of reducing noise in the turbojet. However, because the turbofan has a relatively complex arrangement of components, then this type of machine is very susceptible to interference FOD (Foreign Object Damage) and the formation of ice in the machine. The entry of FOD (like a bird) into the engine can cause fatal incident on the plane.

Wings: Change T to L To date, there are at least 3 acceptable explanation for the emergence of the phenomenon of lift force on the wing: Bernoulli's principle, Newton's Third Law, and the Coanda effect. 

Wing aircraft has a unique cross-sectional contour :
Bernoulli's principle states that the higher the fluid velocity (relative to the same height), then the pressure will shrink. Thus there will be differences in air pressure between the bottom and top of the wing: it is this which mencipakan lift force L. Explanation with principle

Bernoulli's still reap the pros and cons; but this explanation is precisely what Boeing used to explain the principles of the style of Newton's Third Law angkat.Penjelasan use insists on the principle of momentum changes when the air is deflected by the bottom of the aircraft wing. From the principle of action and reaction, appears at the bottom of the wing force equal to the force applied to deflect the air wing. While the explanation uses the Coanda effect emphasizes the contours beloknya the air flowing over the wings. The top of the aircraft wing convex forcing the air to follow the contours.

Air deflection contour is possible because of the low pressure area on the top of an airplane wing (or with another explanation: the deflection contour of air creates a low pressure area). The pressure difference created a style differences that give rise to the lift force L. Although there is no official consensus on the most accurate mechanism to explain the emergence of the phenomenon of lift force, which obviously wing aircraft managed to turn most of the engine thrust T be a lifting force L.Kontrol PesawatPesawat fly motion has ability to move in three axes, ie, pitch, roll, and yaw. Aircraft's nose up and down motion is controlled by the elevator, up and down motion is controlled by the aileron wing aircraft, while the turning motion in the horizontal plane is controlled by the rudder fins are in (fin) plane. In addition, there is also a rear wing flap that serves to help increase lift during take off or reduce lift force when landing (water brake). At the time of browsing (cruise) this flap will fit into the wing to reduce drag D plane.

Most aircraft accidents occur during take off due to engine malfunctions that arise due to various reasons. The engine malfunction can be caused by damage to machine components itself, the damage to the area near the machine which impact on the engine, leaks and burning of the fuel tank, or aircraft control system malfunction, or human error. Below is an overview will be given in the case of a plane crash during take off.

2. Rocket

Aerospace rocket is a vehicle that can be used on a variety of missions desired, such as for scientific and defense interests of the region. The rocket consists of a variety of systems that accompany it such as the nose cone, payload systems, fins and rocket motor.

Geometry rocket atmosphere in general is divided into 4 sections:
Nose (Nose) the front part which is usually filled warhead payload of scientific or sensory equipment / kendaliTabung astigmatism (cylinder) The main body of the rocket is usually filled with fuel and equipment grilled Tail (tail) rear section contains the combustion channel source (nozzle) control mechanism fin (fin / stabilizer) aerodynamic control device, which serves as a conduit of steering and stability

Nose Cone Rocket ogival shape :

- Tangent ogive
- Haack Series
- Von Carman ogive
- Secant ogive Parabolic Cone
- Conic
- Biconic Eliptical

There are three types of rocket tail shape :

- Cone convergent
- Divergent Cone (flares)
- Parabolic Convergent

3. Cars
Aerodynamics associated with motorsport. Although the aerodynamics in the car rally is not very significant, the installation of such devices is not arbitrary. All existing count and function. Moreover, it is also regulated by the International Automobile FIA through strict rules Mamang acknowledged in a rally car aerodynamics is not as important as the cars in Grand Prix racing. Moreover, the form of the rally car now follow the shape of the original cars were produced en masse. Unlike F1 car or the other. But that does not mean ignore the rally car aerodynamics problems. Body shell and aerodynamics WRC cars (WRCar) in use today is very different from the WRCar era of 1908's and 1990's. That is because the FIA regulations governing vehicle weights and dimensions in terms of spoilers that may be used has changed. Besides also due to the understanding of the function of aerodynamics on WRCar has increased as technology advances.

That is, the faster the pace of the car, the car requires the support of a good and proper aerodynamics. Of the overall aerodynamics WRCar for the front and rear, the most attention is the front. The front of the car is the first splitting of angina when a car drove at high speed. So to create a balance in the front, the mechanical WRCar most concern on the part of the bumper. The level of aerodynamics on the WRCar very vital. Because the FIA regulations apply to the engine cooling system. If you follow the rules of the FIA​​, the cooling system has not been able to work optimally to cool the engine. So the car should mangandalkan cooling air as auxiliaries. You do this by modifying the shape of the bumper as possible. Bumper good shape with the right level of aerodynamics to help cool the radiator and intercooler. Besides helping cut (bypass) that passes through the engine room angina. Air volume and velocity of air entering the front of the can cools the intercooler. Wakhasil, intercooler mounted larger bias.

There are more devices that are near the bumper, which conduct water, which is located at the bottom of the bumper. These devices help cool the brake system so that the temperature is maintained. Although the brakes are used repeatedly in a state of high speed, the system can work well. To obtain a wider area for cooling the engine, fog lamp mounted in the bumper to be small. Fog lamp housing shape was hemispherical jarena proven to help level mabil aerodynamics. Bumper used on WRCar wide. Its function is to adjust the width of the vehicle so that the air resistance caused by the front can be minimized. Usually to find out whether or how the bumper, the car must go through pangujian in wind tunnel (wind tunnel) and then know the required speed aerodynamics.

The manufacture of flexible bumper made ​​of soft carbon. This fact shatterproof and not easily change shape when a car collided. Before this material is used, made ​​of karet.Setelah WRCar bumper front, rock modifications done to the rear. Usually behind the modification is done to balance the front aerodynamics.

The most commonly observed in the rear is the rear deck spoiler. This section shape is always changing according the FIA ​​regulations. The current regulation requires pamakaian rear deck spoiler smaller. In order to be conform with the new regulations, a number of WRC cars rely on the amount of wing. From the result of the addition, the down force rear of the car more grip. But there is also a rectifying as add a vertical plate (vertical plate on the rear wing). It aims to improve vehicle stability at medium speed in a bend when the vehicle has sliding. With this tool, the car will not be out when menmikung with high kecepat.

Aerodynamics also is a science that studies the causes of air flow though the air turns invisible inhibits the rate of a moving object, especially objects moving at high speed. The application of this science is actually the most widely used in the world of aircraft construction.

But now the application of this science also penetrated in the automotive world. Aerodynamics on motor vehicles clearly perceived influence on the race car driving at high speed which reached an average of 300 km / h.

For example formula1 car aerodynamics on racing cars as this pole aerodynamics plays an important role, it is not surprising that the F1 car body design has a pointed nose and his body covered indentation in such a way and have some sort of wings on the back end of the car body it is intended that the air can flow smoothly when the car is in motion and also air flow is used to add power to the car hit the road or the term downforce enough so it does not easily thrown off the track time through high speed corners.

For general car aerodynamics, the science used to design aerodynamic cars in order to produce a form that has a minimum airway resistance that led to the use of more fuel-efficient. It does not influence so great for cars that are used daily but with the aerodynamic design of the car body when viewed from the eyes of the art aerodynamic design of the car will be more futuristic and high artistic-value than a car with a rigid body design.

So it will be more interesting to the eye if it is this which attract consumers to have a result to boost sales then ultimately profitable for the company as well. And body design are now the majority of cars have aerodynamic latest car especially the sports genre and has a target market segments youth. Because young people will be proud of his cars were cool and the body element aerodinamislah that desire can be fulfilled.

Function on Vehicle Aerodynamics.

In a vehicle equipped with a good aerodynamic system will be able to shot like a rocket as F1 cars, for example, but errors in nmenjalankan aerodynamic system can also be fatal if the high speed, the car can fly into the air. There are some parts that need to be considered for what aerodynamic side in a car, namely:
1 Rear spoiler.
2 spoiler Front.
3 Wins.
4 Deflector.
5. Side Skirt.

This device is part of the aerodynamic devices on a vehicle, whose function is to make the air flow which will be entered into under the car made ​​more minimal, this made ​​the race especially on terrain vehicle rally, but different for cars racing on the track team to make the research stay under the car average, the following explanation:

1. Rear Spoiler
Components are often used for modification by the audience of this four-wheeled vehicle modifications, the modifications usually adopts a sports car or race car that has the characteristics make the vehicle stable and good for high speed.
Use of this rear spoiler serves to hold up the rear lift force generated during a high speed so that the car does not float and fly that endanger the driver and passengers. Pemasanagn rear spoiler this must be balanced with the installation of the front spoiler so when the car drove at high speed will occur right balance, which will be the front and back of the lift force will hold up in a balanced way, if only in the installation is only one part, it will remain risk of the car becomes unstable at high speeds, so the solution is the installation of a rear spoiler must be balanced with the installation of the front spoiler. The rear spoiler is usually in the automotive world is also called rear bumper is generally made ​​to be placed at the stern / rear like a car without a trunk or trunk to the rear over the rear glass. Shape that resembles a wing spoiler, spoiler it just tends to be more gentle form and generally smaller and directly attached to the body. The function of a spoiler is actually designed to further assist front spoiler function, namely to reduce the symptoms of drift when the car drove (Aerodynamic Function). Currently spoiler application can be used on any non luggage or baggage vehicles, be it for vehicles or vehicle daily contest because it can create the appearance of a standard car look more sporty look.
Spoiler shape that has a smaller size with a curvature design Mengara up like ducks and looks more integrated with the rear body known as the ducktail. Placement ducktail spoiler or trunk of a car is not always above but can also be placed behind the car roof dibibir for vehicles no baggage. The material is also of two kinds, and carbon fiber. Installation of the rear spoiler is an application of the principle of aero dynamics that will lift up against the force of a car that was emlaju with high ekcepatan, so the vehicle will remain safe and stable.

2 Front Spoiler
The front spoiler is one of the accessories on the vehicle relating to the science of aerodynamics penerpaan to be aware of its existence, because the front spoiler serves to withstand wind passing vehicles and tires makes the vehicle will be attached to the ground or holding air force generated during high-speed, spoiler the front of the automotive world, known as the front bumper, front spoiler installation is usually offset by penmasangan rear spoiler or rear bumpers, this is done so that when the vehicle is driving at high speed, there will be the same compressive force that emerges between the front and rear spoiler which will against the force of the lift-up of the vehicle itself.

Actually, the installation of the front spoiler are also many benefits, which in addition to modifying a car custom car or clicking it will also create a comfortable and safe when we drive, because it can maximize the function of the aerodynamics of the vehicle body, but what happens is that a lot of this front spoiler memodifiaksi without knowing or understanding about the aerodynamics of a vehicle itself which would result in the Saar driving accident because the car will drift and swerved aside, if you want to make modifications to the car should pay attention to the aerodynamics for comfort and security.

To install the front spoiler is a bit at the bottom, in fact it is made ​​to get closer to the ground in order to minimize the distance of the body from the bottom so that the entry of wind at high speeds can reduce the power of dizziness / drift, but its use is now more to the modification only in terms of fashion, especially for custom body kit design that does not take into account in terms of aerodynamics.

3 Wing
The use of wing / wing stern section (rear) was originally only used on cars that will fight arena racing tires to improve traction, because the wing is believed to control the direction of the wind that comes into the car so that the car gets more power tap on the stern (Downforce) in order to continue driving with smooth asphalt without hovering over or twist during cornering. The general form wing has a fairly high poles with carbon sheets designed large enough and sporty indentations that look a little stiff and heavy.

Actually this function is similar wing to a rear spoiler or rear bumper, because it lies behind and hold or lift up melawa force on the vehicle.

Defector This is one part of a car that takes into account the aerodynamics of a vehicle that is where the deflector serves to channel the air that hits the front of the first vehicle and make it into a directional wind flow out and make our vehicle became unstable at high speeds, but the usefulness selian deflector also serves to remove dirt or dust that hit the vehicle while driving at high speed and threw ynag dust or dirt that was thrown straight up so as not to hit the windshield of a car, in addition to the usability or functionality deflector is quite helpful this will maximize aerodynamics a vehicle, deflector can also be a modification that could make a vehicle exterior appearance to be attractive and elegant, because it will make the installation of a car is to have a level of comfort and security. Installation deflector usually overlooked or ignored by the user rather vehicles, because its effects are not felt immediately, the user should pay more attention to the overall aerodynamics.

Side skirts are part of the body kit consisting of front spoiler or front bumper, rear spoiler and Side Skirt itself, side skirts serves to continue the pace of wind gusts so smoothly and does not make the car roll on while driving, side skirts this very important also in support of the aerodynamics in a vehicle, it is installed in addition to support the aerodynamics in a car can also be a vehicle for modifications that can be reliable on a modification because of its interesting shape and influence from the exterior on a car. In fact a lot of side skirts makers who do not understand what it is called aerodynamics, so there are some modifications that go wrong in designing a side skirt. So the solution of the problem should be given understanding to the modification workshop for more attention to the aerodynamics of a vehicle.

now been put across how important areodinamika on vehicles (maybe) we often use. may be useful knowledge.

Indonesian greetings

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